Recent Picture in Picture reviews : Page 10

  • 18.12.2020

    Muy, muy buena, me ha fascinado, es muy fácil de usar y además también es fácil de activar, LA RECOMIENDO BASTANTE

  • 17.12.2020

    I. LOVE. IT. this is very helpful by 1: If you’re watching a study vid and wanna take notes BOOM! study vid in the bottom right corner. 2: thats basically it (or that’s what I use it for)

  • 17.12.2020

    Google devs seriously guys what the heck this should be be built in to the browser why the hech should I google it pls guys stop it I want to see this mode built into next update of chrome 😒😒😒

  • 13.12.2020

    Excelente extensión, con ella he podido ahorrar mucho tiempo al hacer mis trabajos mientras veo vídeos en YouTube. Se agradecen este tipo de extensiones para simplificar la vida.

  • 11.12.2020

    Amazing. I can get things done while watching videos. Like for school, if I need motivation I can put a video up, while I’m doing work. Works great, only problem is, its annoying to pause the video, but I still think its great.

  • 5.12.2020

    Really Useful! now i can do online schooling and watch YouTube videos at the same time, (which makes me more focused for some reason)

  • 25.11.2020

    This was a feature in the html player on f1 tv. I was delighted to find a plugin that enables picture in picture most of the web video players i have tested.

  • 6.11.2020

    Muy buena. Para ser ya Excelente tendría que poderse controlar el volumen desde la mini ventana o, al menos, tener la opción de silenciar.

  • 5.11.2020

    This extension is so helpful. I have been wanting to have the ability to watch Youtube videos while doing other things, but until now it hasn’t been possible. This extension even allows you to watch videos while in other windows such as Microsoft Word. It is simply disgraceful how many knockoff versions people have published, but that should’ve been expected. Thank you for this extension Google.

  • 30.10.2020

    Muito bom, dá pra usar em sites vários sites, funciona bem e até fora do chrome, recomendo Σd=(・ω-`○)グッ♪